Jesus the Heretic

From the author of The Paradise Complex,  an exploration into the heart of the lost Christian message.

Jesus the Heretic

Freedom and Bondage in a Religious World

“Thanks for the brilliant scholarship of Jesus the Heretic . . . Your work is a profound influence and inspiration.”

Anne Rice
Author of: Servant of the Bones & Mennoch the Devil.

Christianity has lost its grip on the human imagination. Its intellectual credibility is at its lowest ebb, its attempt to remain the West’s spiritually authoritative centre a task now recognised as beyond its capacity to fulfil. Having sold out to myths which the sophisticated Western mind can no longer accept as literal truths, it finds itself in ever greater difficulty with regard to the nature of spiritual reality.

In Jesus the Heretic, Douglas Lockhart addresses this problem and attempts to draw back the 2,000 year old veil that separates us from the reality of 1st century Jewish life, custom and culture. Offering a penetrating and sometimes disturbing analysis of Jesus’ intentions, and that of his contemporaries, Lockhart uncovers not only what may have been Christianity’s original message, but also something of the lost history of the early Jerusalem Church of the Apostles.

Whatever you may think of Jesus and Christianity, this book will be an invaluable guide to the questions that have arisen century by century.

394 pages. 234x156mm Hardback
ISBN 1-86204-001-X Non fiction